New Beginnings

It's been quite a while since I've actually felt like writing a blog post. I lost the desire years ago when I fell under the scrutiny of an online web sleuthing group that thought I might be a long missing child all grown up; to say that it made me hesitant to post anything is an understatement. Shortly after that misunderstanding,  Instagram was created and I signed up in the very early stages (I had to wait for an "invitation" in order to be added it was such a new development.) IG became my go to place for connecting with old friends and making new.  I loved how I could peek into their lives and they could likewise see into mine. Then IG  was sold and the changes began. Some have worked out just fine, most have not. Over the years I've lost interest in in trying to complain about, ignore, go along with, or somehow outsmart the Instagram algorithm. Everyday, I see fewer posts from friends and I'm sure they don't see mine. It's become a place of influencers and ads. Don't get me wrong there are a great many creatives and everyday people there, it's just that they're hard to least on my feed.

Along with my disappointment with Instagram I've given up's just not a place I want to be anymore. Since the advent of social media common courtesy and the art of conversation have disappeared and nowhere is this more evident that on FB. There's so much name calling, anger and general nastiness there that I want no part of it. I really need a quiet place with no arguments, no name calling, no snarkiness (well, maybe a little snarkiness is ok.) I'm looking for a place where I can put my thoughts down and post pretty pictures. I want to create a happy, cheerful, encouraging place that is easy on the eyes and uplifting to the heart.

So, I dusted off my old blog, made a few changes to its looks, and created this post. I don't know how often I'll be here...I'm a bit rusty at blogging. The intention I've set is that at least once a week I'll post at least a pretty picture and maybe a favorite quote.  If I'm feeling really adventurous I might even show up twice a week...just don't hold me to that. 




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