One thing

church bell, Ft. Ross, California, 2010

My One Little Word for the year is Embrace.  One thing which I wanted to embrace this year was my photography. In January, I took a class called Simple Soulful with the wonderful Irene Nam.  I've  read  and re-read the inspiring book Expressive Photography by the highly motivating Tracey Clark.  I registered for Camp Shutter Sisters (which happens in just 8 weeks! I am so excited!).  I even tried carrying my camera everywhere.  No easy thing considering how heavy it is combined with all the other stuff that finds it's way into my bag. Unfortunately  life with 5 children, 1 husband, homeschooling, a home to care for  and the myriad of things that life has thrown at me  got in the way of my really using my camera for anything other that a paperweight.   So, hoping to try to get my focus back on Embracing my photography I thought on a daily or weekly basis I'd go through my photo archives and find one  (or two)  image that I really liked and share it here.  Hopefully, I'll start posting current images, too.  I really want to grow as a photographer and I know that won't happen until I pick up my camera and just shoot.


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